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Toria is a... 

Designer, maker, connector, doer, homebody...

When I’m not making stuff, you’ll find me in the great outdoors seeking out new inspiration.  ‘Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature it will never fail you’ - Frank Lloyd Wright

I am a professional - I enjoy seeking out new learning experiences. Through my work with WorldSkills I have the mentality that if you know better, you do better. (Thanks Maya Angelou) I don’t do things by half. Be remarkable. 

I do things with purpose. I’m one of those people you’ll come across running the local NCT group, on the PTA at school. I’m a grafter.

I don’t sit still - I’m not good at sitting at a desk for long periods of time, I’ve tried that and it just isn’t my natural habitat. 

I work with my hands, but I use technology where it doesn’t impede the creative process.

I am passionate about nurturing creativity in all areas of life. I’m amazed that I actually get paid to do this for the Arts Council of Wales - its a dream!

I don’t do well at Exams. I got 2 D’s and an N at A-level, but I was lucky to have inspirational mentors (AKA Teachers) who saw this in me, taught me Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, nurturing my talents outside of the usual lessons. I found my focus and left University with a First Class Honours Degree.  

I’m a connector of people. I love people, but do my best work without too much distraction - my studio is a haven to work on my ideas but that doesn’t stop me from being an excellent collaborator.

I’ve won awards for my work, but the one I’m most proud of is my RHS Chelsea Flower Show Silver-Gilt Medal.  I’m passionate that if you are a great designer you can be adept and flexible enough to create credible user experiences outside of your usual discipline.

I’ve built a house.  I have an in-depth knowledge of insulation and lime plaster!

I’m a cheerleader for people who are doing great things, people who disrupt the status quo.

I used to think that creativity was something you had, not something you could develop - like any skill it takes practice.

I believe in facilitating purposeful conversation.  Great conversations don’t start with the weather.

I care about the planet we live on, the creatures we share it with and the people we connect with.  I’m loyal to all.

I think the power of community is undervalued. We need to feel encouragement from people across all aspects of life, to enable us to be our best selves.  Connecting people positively is where my current personal development is focussed.

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